My Heart Cracked Open
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

My Heart Cracked Open

Today I had my heart cracked open, in the best way.

It felt so remarkable and hit me in such a profound way that I knew I needed to process a bit to deepen into the experience a bit more and really feel the huge impact it had on me in an embodied way.

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My Story
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

My Story

It is my calling to help you calm your anxiety, soften the edges of your pain, and help you feel alive and free in your body so that you can shine in all you do.

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Loving What Is
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

Loving What Is

I’ve recently learned the root of the word heal. From Old English hælan was to "cure; to make whole, sound and well," and from Proto-Germanic hailjan, literally translates as "to make whole". This struck me so strongly when I read it as it is remarkably aligned with how I work with clients and guides my work at a most fundamental level. And it has been the foundation of my own spiritual path especially in the past few years.

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The Power of PRESENCE
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

The Power of PRESENCE

Presence… That quality of being so wrapped up in and grounded in the presence of another, that you almost forget yourself. OR so present with YOURSELF, that what was hiding beneath the surface of your day, your life, can finally be seen, heard, and witnessed. Once we've had a taste of the power of presence, it can be difficult to accept life any other way.

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I AM the pot of Gold; and so are YOU!
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

I AM the pot of Gold; and so are YOU!

Despite many beautiful moments in my life recently, I have learned more about the inner world experience of darkness in the past year than any other year of my life; with the added layer of having a higher level of awareness than ever before as well.

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Connecting to Emotions (grief) in our Body - Lessons from Ireland Part II
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

Connecting to Emotions (grief) in our Body - Lessons from Ireland Part II

After receiving the big healing and clearing on my hip (see my previous blog post, Part I, if you’re not sure what I’m talking about), I had an interesting time navigating the world with this new feeling in my body and energy field. Suddenly I was walking without pain, felt lighter and freer in a way that I hadn’t felt in a while, and also in a way that hadn’t known that I known how much heaviness I was carrying.

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Croning Ceremony: Celebrating Menopause
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

Croning Ceremony: Celebrating Menopause

Last week was a BIG week. Not in the usual way one might imagine - an anniversary, birthday, new job, big sale, sobriety date, or birth announcement... but rather in a subtle, more internal way.

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2020 and Roadtrip Lemonade
Kathleen Dowd Kathleen Dowd

2020 and Roadtrip Lemonade

2020 was such a year and everyone had their own unique reaction to and experience with the events that unfolded, and to some extent continue to unfold.

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