The Mourning Moon - A Ceremony of Releasing

I recently learned about the practice of honoring the last full moon before the winter solstice, known as the Mourning Moon, that stems from some earth-based traditions.

I took this past weekend to do a ceremony honoring the Mourning Moon and as outlined below.

The Mourning Moon is an unraveling of old longings and a releasing of energetic baggage that we no longer need to carry. The purpose of this moon is to acknowledge what those who we mourn for have taught us. It’s a time to understand how we are better for all that we learned through the pain and loss that’s come before. And in the end, we’re able to let go of that, while still carrying the lessons that have helped us to grow, in order to move more freely in our lives.

Through this ceremony I encourage you to sit with your heart, shed a tear or two for those you’ve loved and lost, and then honor them in gratitude for the life they’ve helped you build.

Mourning Moon Ceremony

Items to gather:

  • A candle (pine scented if you have it)

  • A pine branch to burn (please gather this from the ground or elsewhere - not cut from the tree)

  • Clear quartz crystal

  • A green rock or crystal if you have one OR something green that’s meaningful to you

  • Pen and paper


Light the candle

Begin to burn the pine (if you’re outside, otherwise simply have it inside on your altar)

Close your eyes and take several deep breaths in and out

Once you’re centered answer the following questions:

  • Who have I loved and lost? (Can be death of loved ones or relationship endings)

  • What have they taught me?

  • What can I now release in order to be complete in my mourning?

Say out loud what you’re releasing to complete the mourning process.

Sit with the paper for a few minutes.

Burn the paper.

Blow out the candle.

I also recommend moving your body in some way after this ceremony. It can be a powerful practice to help have a somatic release by letting the energy move through your body and breath - just follow your inner wisdom on how you’d like to move and breath to release the energy and conclude the ceremony.


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