We heal in community
Are you finding it challenging to navigate the energy and events of the world? Is it difficult to feel positive emotions towards individuals who have different opinions?
Do you aspire to be a more loving person to others? To yourself?
Yet do you also feel a swirl of emotions yourself that you’re not sure what to do with or how to express safely? Do you feel overwhelmed by these emotions and unsure where to start?
If you’re a yes to any of these questions, I invite you on a journey of self-discovery, self-expansion, and self-love (and what I see as community emotional activism).
All your emotions are valid, even if some of them are less socially sanctioned. It is critical to deeply FEEL and EXPRESS all your feelings so that you can remain grounded and not get easily thrown off your center. As one of my teachers used to say, it is important to: “Play all 88 keys of your emotional piano.”
When you disallow or resist any of your emotions, you block a piece of your heart that is trying to express. And when we block a piece of our heart in one area of our life, we block it in all areas of life.
Emotion = Energy in Motion
Through this series, you will:
Discover how to MOVE your emotional energy through your body, releasing blocks that can trigger dis-ease, thereby allowing for your fullest expression of vital life force energy, with the long-term benefit of increased health, wellbeing and ease.
Explore how to express your feelings, in an intuitive and embodied way, so that you are less likely to react to life’s ups and downs in unhealthy or unhelpful ways. This supports healthier relationships both with yourself and others.
Become more aligned with your deepest emotions so that the truth of you can shine through in all that you do.
Through allowance and safe expression of the full range of your emotions, you can access the true center of your being, which at its core, is love.
What to expect
There are two online gatherings each month. In one session, you will be guided to connect with and embody your emotional energy and let it move through you in an intuitive manner.
In the other session you’ll be guided through a group meditation to build your capacity to access and hold a frequency of love, no matter what is going on in your life.
In each session there will be an opportunity for participants to share current experiences in their lives and hear from others who are also on this journey together. You will gain deeper insights about what might be blocking your emotional energy and how to connect with that energy in a way that feels safe to release.
You will have the opportunity to share what is blocking you from accessing the love within you and receive support to build your capacity for holding a frequency of love.
Most of all, you will be witnessed in your humanity and held in a sacred, safe, and confidential container.
Always remember, we heal in relationship; we heal in community.