Listening to our Bodies, Speaking our Truth
It's been a difficult time for many people this past month. From the catapulting of sexual assault to the national news headlines with the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings to the recent (seemingly ongoing) shootings in grocery stores, synagogues and beyond, there is a palpable response both collectively and for many people individually, in their own bodies.

The Practice of Becoming Comfortable with Feeling UNcomfortable
It can be exceedingly difficult to actually FEEL uncomfortable. But why is that? It’s just another way of feeling.

You Mean There's Nothing Wrong With Me?!?
In March was fortunate to be able to attend a yoga and cultural immersion in Bali in March with a fantastic group of yogis. There were many highlights, but the one I want to share is my visit with a traditional healer one afternoon (think Eat, Pray, Love type of experience).