Six years ago today…

Six years ago today, my dad died; he simply dropped dead of a heart attack.

This was the biggest soul shattering event of my life. It shook me like nothing else ever before or ever since.

While so many parts of my human still grieve him deeply every time I think about him, today I can finally say that I have a deeper spiritual relationship with him than ever before.

I can finally say that I have cultivated a Spirit to Spirit (and also human to Spirit) relationship with my dad and I truly know he is always with me. I just need to reach out connect and he is there.

This morning in my meditation and personal energy work, I healed a deep wound from when I was 11 years old, just as I was going through puberty. I worked with and invoked the energy of the Valkyries, the badass female warriors of Norse legend who rode winged horses into battle. They often come through to help me clear big energy that needs to be released.

It was so fitting that the Valkyries came through today, on the anniversary of my dad’s death, as he and I shared a love of opera and our favorite opera was Wagner’s Ring Cycle, which is so powerful. We saw it together twice (and it is a four-opera series so it’s no small feat).

This is a picture of him and I at the opera one time in Seattle, where he often liked to dress up in a costume. Here he is in his Phantom of the Opera costume. He surprised me in it when we met. He loved doing that kind of thing.

I’m profoundly grateful for the psychic and energy healing tools that I have learned and embodied over many years. They have enabled me to allow and trust this spiritual connection and receive and embody more healing than I ever imagined possible.

As I continue to grow and heal and expand, I have a foundation of tools, a spiritual community of trust and empowerment, and teachers who hold me to a high level and vision.

So today, six years later, I feel more celebration than grief, which is also something I never thought possible.

Thank you, dad, for everything you taught me and for how you continue to show up for me in so many ways, continuing to heal our relationship and for how you continue to support me from the spirit realm.

I love you.

#gratefuldaughter #grateful #spiritualhealing #daddysgirl4life


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