Are you angry?

Hello friends,

Are you angry?

About anything at all? Big or small? Annoyance, frustration, or downright rage?

I hope your answer is yes, at something. ...

I hope you’re able to feel into some part of your emotional body that allows you to feel some sense of feeling on the spectrum towards anger that puts you in a space to connect more deeply to your rich emotional landscape.

So often we hold ourselves back from properly getting in touch with our feelings, especially anger. It’s not seen as culturally appropriate. We’re taught it’s ‘not nice’. And we are not encouraged to experience anger in a way that would allow us to be with the energy of it and process that energy in a healthy and meaningful way.

I know all of this was true for me.

I’ve only recently connected with the depths of my anger. I had no idea how much I was holding inside; how much I had stuffed down for years. Some of this anger I can trace to a source: a specific event, a harsh word, something that went unresolved in me that festered unhelpfully.

Some of it feels bigger than me. It’s collective rage at so many things occurring in the world today. (I know I don’t need to go into details here.)

Some of it feels inherited, the anger of my ancestors that was never allowed to surface and that stayed in their genes, passed down to me still needing to be metabolized.

When I think of the enormity of it, I often feel overwhelmed and stuck.

Yet I’ve been working with this anger for several months now. I’ve gone deep inside ceremony and allowed it to come forth. I’ve felt the depth of it in my belly and the power of it to move through me fully.

I’ve also seen the beauty of it on the other side, actually on the way through. The power of anger and rage is actually absolutely drop dead gorgeous when viewed as the pure energy that it is. Trust me, I’ve seen it.

In terms of pure human expression, anger is no different than joy or grief or beauty or fear. There’s an energy to it that exists within us and it simply longs to be seen and witnessed.

There is a power within anger that can launch campaigns and change the trajectory of events in the world.

There is a beauty within anger that is nearly indescribable. To see it in its fully glory is breathtaking.

And when we don’t let it express as it would naturally, it curdles inside of us and eats away at us wreaking havoc on our emotional landscape and sense of inner peace.

Without our full range of human emotional expression intact we get twisted up – emotionally and energetically – to the detriment of our physical health and overall wellbeing.

Anger turned inward and suppressed turns to depression. The energy of repressed anger gets stuck in our bodies and causes tension, physical pain, and eventually dis-ease.

I know because I’ve felt it.

Through some deep emotional processing work of my anger, I’ve release pain in my jaw. Tension in my neck has nearly disappeared. My breath is naturally deeper now, of its own accord.

This is tremendous. Once I realized how stuffing my anger was also stifling my voice, I started to piece together the connections between my anger and my expression in other areas of my life. It’s ALL connected! Just as we cannot selectively numb only one emotion and not all others, so can we not selectively silence one part of our emotional expression and not all others.


Can you feel it?

When you stifle your anger, you also stifle all other forms of emotional expression to a certain degree.

This is why I am now so committed to a regular anger practice.

I have so many ways that I connect with and express my anger now (that’s for another newsletter) and it radically changes my energy when I do this.

This anger practice also shifts how I show up in my relationships, and really isn’t that the whole point?!? To be better humans in relationship with others.

When I am consistent in this practice, I harbor less energy of resentment or unworthiness or…. you name it… and then I am FAR less likely to release this energy in a sideways manner, in a way that may harm another.

This is the type of work I also do with clients. Helping them to connect with the energy of what they are feeling and getting to the root of it so it can be expressed, which helps to free this energy, releasing it from being trapped in their bodies. The ripple effects of this work are potent and impact multiple areas of a person’s life. I speak from experience.

Please reach out if you would like to schedule a session or explore working together in more depth.


And speaking of working with me, I’m very excited to announce that I am once again opening Group Healing Circles. These are intimate and potent healing events (series of four sessions in a small group of six people maximum) in which each person receives an individual healing while being supported by the group.

Never doubt that WE HEAL IN COMMUNITY…

We can’t do this alone folks, not in any meaningful way. The work of healing our deepest wounds and getting to the beautiful richness of our truest selves requires witnessing and reflection from other humans.

I’m offering TWO series to accommodate different schedules: one on Friday afternoons and one on Monday evenings.

Each series is limited to six people and in both series each person will have time in what I call the LOVE SEAT. This is when you are in the center of the circle receiving loving support and powerful energy work (by me) focusing on whatever is most present for you in the moment.

See below for more details and for some powerful testimonials from past participants in these healing circles. You don’t want to miss these. Additionally, the first three people in each circle receive a discount!


Lastly – I wanted to share a tool with you!

One practice I use regularly to help release emotional energy and charge of anger is Lion's Breath. It is a potent (and fun ;) breath practice that, when coupled with intention, has a powerful effect of releasing stuck energy in our bodies through our throat chakra and voice.

I have found this practice SO helpful for me and my clients that I decided to make a YouTube video explaining and demonstrating the practice. If you want a laugh (watching me do this practice on video) and learn a powerful practice, check out this link - Lion's Breath explained:


Six years ago today…