Workshop and Series

Embodied Emotional Expression

Feeling Your Way to Joy

We heal in community

Do you find yourself holding back from expressing what you’re truly feeling and stuffing your emotions deep inside?

We do this for several reasons: fear, lack of feeling safe to express, confusion, cultural conditioning, trauma, or a history of not expressing emotions that becomes engrained in our soma, amongst other reasons.

This is not uncommon.

And this is especially true for emotions such as anger, rage, jealousy, blame, and loneliness – those that are not culturally sanctioned to express; as well as to a lesser extent grief, sorrow, confusion, and overwhelm, to name a few.

And we do this to our own detriment.

When we hold back our emotional expressions, this energy gets trapped within our bodies and causes patterns of stuck energy to emerge. This blocks the free flow of our vital life force energy and over the long term can cause pain and dis-ease in the physical body.

Additionally, when we are out of alignment with our emotions and our actions, we tend to react to life situations in ways that are not healthy either to ourselves or to others. Our relationships suffer and many times we project onto others that which is stuck within us that we long to release and heal. Over time this can become a way of being that profoundly impacts our life, our relationships, our entire way of being in the world.

When we shift this pattern, we free ourselves of this constraint on our life force energy and we become empowered to connect to the full truth of who we are. This in turn allows us to live into all our relationships in a more open-hearted manner. We become less likely to inadvertently cause harm to others and more likely to be a beacon for integrated wellbeing and wholeness enlivening ourselves and the world around us.

What to expect:

In these ONLINE gatherings, you will practice embodied movements to release emotional energy to restore a centered and expansive energetic state from within the core of your being.

With music, breathwork, and intuitive movement you will connect deeply with your inner self and be guided to gently and powerfully release and express what is longing to be seen, felt, and witnessed.


Monthly Embodied Emotional Expression sessions:

May 11th - 8:30 am Pacific time

June - TBA

To register:

Please RSVP - HERE

Once you register, please send your donation to Kathleen and you will receive a Zoom link to join.


In order to be accessible as possible, participation is by donation; (suggested amount $25 - $40/session) .

Venmo: @specialkdowd


If you need other payment options for donations please reach out.


Embodied Spiritual Coaching


Retreats & Ceremonies