Why I Love What I Do

I used to dread getting up in the morning for work.

And usually after I returned from the office, I felt even worse. I felt dragged down by the corporate slog that kept me chained to an office and certain a way of being and working. Even though I was doing mission-focused work, something I was passionate about, it was exhausting in a more-than-physical way.  

All that changed when I started working for myself and working with clients, initially with yoga therapy and then expanding into energy work. The incredible feeling of helping someone heal, move through a tough situation with self-compassion, or help them shift their energy in a palpable way is powerful and inspiring.

As I continue to deepen and evolve the work I offer, I see more and more the incredible healing that’s possible not only when we’re present to each other in the beauty of being human, but also when we connect to our spirit and energy field. The rapid and transformational healing that can happen at that level can often leave people speechless and with profound gratitude for the incredible shifts they did not know were possible.

I had a few recent client sessions that were so powerful for me I wanted to share them with you here, anonymously, of course.

At the beginning of all my sessions I ask my clients what their intention for the session is (intentions are SO powerful!) A recent yoga therapy client said that she wanted to be able to say NO more easily, and then quickly asked with a chuckle if that was an appropriate intention for the session. Absolutely! All intentions can be honored and engaged in this work.

Through breath work and some specific postures, I helped her strengthen her 3rd chakra (solar plexus – power center) and build the confidence to say no. We loosened the throat (5th chakra) as well as the neck and mouth, stretching, engaging, vocalizing, and allowing what was buried to slowly emerge. I had her practice saying NO firmly and with specific movements designed to activate her somatic body and nervous system.

What resulted was a beautiful unfolding and realization of just how tired she was; all the saying yes when she really wanted to say no was exhausting. Through this new connection to what she was truly feeling, she was able to acknowledge her exhaustion, meet it, and then give herself what she needed, which was deep, deep rest. Not rest that is simply taking a break from something while tending to another task on the ‘to do’ list or even a short cat nap, but rather that deep, soul nourishing respite and relaxation that we can only achieve while truly resting.

I guided her through a meditation addressing her specific needs and desires based on what arose in the session and helped her get to that place of surrender. During this time, I worked with her energy to help her ground deeply and release anything that was blocking her from allowing rest. The transformation on her face at the end of our session was more than enough motivation for me to keep showing up to this work. So peaceful and so powerful. When we acknowledge what we really need and then allow ourselves to receive that, there’s nothing quite like it.

 Another client who had booked an energy healing session with me had hardly been able to work in years. She had so much pain in her back and hips that she was basically unable to work with clients (she is a bodyworker), except for a few random times here and there. I never know what will arise in these sessions, but it always guided by the client’s spirit and what is ready to be seen and healed. In this session what came forth was some grief that hadn’t been fully felt and was stuck in her energy field and her body. She had a peripheral understanding that there was this grief from long ago and she thought she was over it, that she had moved on. After all she had done so much work on herself to heal it and ‘get past it’ as she described it.

After a couple of sessions focused on chakra balancing and healing, she had such a shift in her physical body that she was able to start seeing clients again. Not only did her physical body feel softer and less painful, her mood and energy are lighter and more open. She is beyond thrilled! Now that she’s back to work she gets to be sharing HER magic in the world again.

Note: this did take a couple of sessions and several weeks of integration for her to be able to make this shift. The physical body has denser energy than other layers of our being, like the mental and emotional layers and as such, it is slower to shift and make changes. And it’s important to allow this time for the physical body to integrate the shifts – energy can shift in an instant and stuck grief energy from years or decades ago can be released just like that - and the body needs time to catch up.

I could go on and on with stories about the shifts this work can bring, and I have experienced it firsthand myself, from my teachers and colleagues from whom I receive healings. The feedback that I receive from clients and the shifts I see in their lives continues to motivate me to keep going in the work I do and beyond. It helps keep my energy flowing and my own healing journey moving forward.

What about you? How are you feeling?

  • Do you ever feel like you’d like some clarity on certain aspects of your life where you feel stuck?

  • Do you feel/sense/know that deep down there is something that is holding you back put you can’t quite put your finger on it?

  • Do you have unexplained aches & pains in your body that don’t seem to have a physical explanation?

  • Do you long for a safe space to allow what’s ready to be seen and healed?

If any of this resonates and you’d like to explore more, I’d love to offer you a free 20-minute consult call to see if working together feels like a good fit. You can book the call, along with all my services, here: https://square.site/book/4DZ43M79S1G9K/kathleen-dowd-intuitive-energy-healing-guide

I also now have gift cards (available here: https://squareup.com/gift/WJS3E9W0PC77B/order), so as the occasion arises you can share the gift of healing with loved ones.

Truly there is no better gift for ourselves, our friends and family, and the world. Here’s to healing!


The THOUGHTS of Covid - Or What Came Up for Me to Heal While I had Covid


Connecting to Emotions (grief) in our Body - Lessons from Ireland Part II