How to Relate to Our Pain - A Guide to One Approach.

In my Yoga for Pain Relief classes at Two Dog Yoga we have been working with many ideas for relating to our pain, be it physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual pain. I wanted to share a few tips and ideas from the last series that just concluded. Practice them as your are able - don't rush into them and don't force them. Allow yourself the opportunity to try these ideas gently and with a huge dose of self-compassion.

1. When you notice pain, of any form, in your body, pause and take a mindful breath. Then take another mindful breath. Then another. Allow yourself a few moments, perhaps even a few minutes, to simply breathe in the present moment with your pain.

2. Take a hand and place it on the part of your body that is in pain. If yours is an emotional pain you could put your hand on your heart, or wherever it is you feel that pain. Allow yourself some time to connect with your pain. Say to your pain, " Hello, I see you. I acknowledge you. I feel you."

3. Then spend about five minutes, or more if you have time and it feels ok, to simply sit and be curious about what happens next. Sitting with pain and discomfort is not something we are prone to do, so it may feel strange, and that's ok. Sit for as long as you like and as long as you can stay curious about the experience of pain and see what unfolds.

These are activities you can practice on your own (although I will say it is more fun, effective, and powerful in community - join us!). There are more steps you can take in this process and we explore these and many others in the Yoga for Pain Relief class. For now, enjoy these steps as often as you like. I'd love to hear how this process works for you.


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